No Judgments, Just Jesus

Jenny Landowski

Short Bio: Who am I; what am I called?  I’m the one the Landowgals call “momma clipdis”, I am the Blessed Bride of the late Big Bob, I’m my siblings “sissie” and my parents “most improved” ;), I’m both “Tante” and “Jammin’ Jenny” to all the young shine brites in my life, give me a mic and I’m a singing soul sister,  I’m my friends “Jenny” (not to be confused with what the Webster Dictionary defines it as), most recently I’m my grandbabies “Memna”, and I am Immanuel’s Director of Ministries / Pastoral Assistant.  I have found joy in homeschooling my daughters, being involved in Joyful Journeys India Ministry and Circle of Friends Shoppe, and serving others in many different capacities. I am a follower of Jesus.

Education: I consider myself a life learner, therefore everything I’ve ever done falls into the category of my education…as for me listing specifics; Ain’t nobody got time for that! J

Favorite Books: Life’s Greatest Lesson, 20 Things That Matter by Hal Urban and The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis as well as all the other books I’ve had the joy of reading to/with my daughters; The Bible especially during my Q.T.W.L. and when studying it on Wednesday nights with Pastor Rich; and finally any book I’m discussing with my SonShine Sisters.

Favorite Movies: …a few are The Nativity Story,  The Secret Life of Bees, The Help, Ever After, The Blues Brothers Movie, The Chronicles of Narnia movies, Elf, Harry Potter movies, Marvel Movies, Hunt for the Wilderpeople… Actually as long as I have one of our pups snuggled up next to me and a bowl of ice cream I’m good with just about any movie! 😉 

Favorite TV Shows: The Office, Parks and Recreation, Super Store, Breaking Bad, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Chosen… 

Favorite Activities: Vacations, playing games like Catan or cards with my family, kayaking, biking, hiking, and spending time with my grandbabies.

Favorite Songs: Whether it’s at church, in my backyard, doing dishes, or around Mam and Papa’s piano at Christmas, I would say that any songs that I can sing with my family and friends would be my favorite!  Imagine, Goin up the Country with Proud Mary and Bobby McGee in search of some Chicken Fried while pondering the question, Will You Let Me Be Your Servant is enough to make me want to Roar; but instead, I’ll just Let it Be. J

Favorite Musicians: Immanuel’s Worship Team and The California Honeydrops

Favorite Albums: Playlist rather than Album, and that would be Just Groovin’, Fireside Shenanigans, Game Time, and Gotta Love Um’ mix…they are the songs my daughters will sing with me when I’m old and grayer.

Favorite Sports: Hiking through the beautiful trails in our area, Biking for the fun of it and swimming in a peaceful lake.

Favorite Foods: Dark Chocolate Sea Salt covered Caramels, Homemade Pizza, Soup and Bread, SoJo Burgers, Big Bob’s Spiedini’s, raw chocolate chip cookie dough, Hot tea and Cabernet.

Hobbies: Hobbies, what’s that?

Personality Type: Shine Brite

Influences: I truly try and glean something from all who are in my life as well as those who have gone before me; good, bad or otherwise…but most of all I try to live my life with Christ as my role model. 

James Lipton’s Ten Questions:

1. What is your favorite word? Namaste’

2. What is your least favorite word? Boring

3. What turns you on? laughing

4. What turns you off? Ungrateful sniveling

5. What is your favorite curse word? Cursing is not very “shine brite”; but if I’m really upset I might say “crackers”!

6. What sound or noise do you love? Great Horned Owl hooting

7. What sound or noise do you hate? Chomping on gum (sorry Rich)

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Taste tester for Ghirardelli

9. What profession would you not like to attempt? A Politician

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?  After a big hug, God would say “Welcome my beloved! Now, step this way, there’s some people who have been waiting to see you again”!