No Judgments, Just Jesus

Broken Hearts on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Christ’s presence goes unrecognized by the two disciples with broken hearts seeking to escape their troubles by fleeing to Emmaus. But as Jesus opens the scriptures to them and then shares a meal with them, their despair transforms to joy as their “hearts burn within them.” No matter what road we travel – with broken hearts to Emmaus or burning hearts back to Jerusalem – the risen Christ remains with us.

PS: I deeply miss giving children’s sermons, but still haven’t found a way to incorporate them into video format because so much of what I do with the kids involves interaction. So, as a consolation (and I realize it’s just that, a consolation), if you have a printer, there are some great coloring pages and activities related to today’s text that can be found and downloaded here: