In League with the Devil? (Matthew 12:22-37) March 9, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew Do You Betray Me with a Kiss? (Luke 22:44-53) March 6, 2016 Rich Vincent Mercy and Controversy (Matthew 12:1-21) March 2, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew Could You Not Stay Awake With Me? (Matthew 26:31-46) February 28, 2016 Rich Vincent Rest for the Weary (Matthew 11:20-30) February 24, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew Is Not This the Reason You are Wrong? Jesus on the Resurrection (Mark 12:18-27) February 21, 2016 Rich Vincent The Doubting Prophet (Matthew 11:1-19) February 17, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew “Is It Lawful to Do Good on the Sabbath?” (Luke 6:1-11) February 14, 2016 Rich Vincent Does This Offend You? (John 6:56-69) February 7, 2016 Rich Vincent A Manual for Mission (Matthew 10) February 3, 2016 Rich Vincent
Is Not This the Reason You are Wrong? Jesus on the Resurrection (Mark 12:18-27) February 21, 2016 Rich Vincent