Dear Members and Friends of the Southeast Association,
Please accept this invitation to join us for an Ecclesiastical Council for Emma Landowski-Sancomb which will take place at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 15, 2021. This invitation is to join via Zoom only, as it will be fully virtual to ensure all can safely join.
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Emma will make a presentation related to her ordination paper, followed by a period of discussion with those present, who are invited to dialogue with her about her faith journey to this milestone moment as well as asking her to expand on the content of her ordination paper.
Following the dialogue, a vote will be taken that will affirm the wider church’s support of her candidacy for ordination. All pastors may vote, and lay delegates may also vote.
A copy of Emma’s Ordination Paper may be found here. For a paper copy of Emma’s Ordination Paper, contact Susan Taylor at
Please include this invitation in your worship bulletins and/or announce the Ecclesiastical Council at your worship services. If you are not able to be present, please keep Emma in your prayers.
Rev. John Helt and Rev. Ruth Costello – Co-Chairs
Southeast Association Church and Ministry Team