Dear Members and Friends of Immanuel,
Every year around this time we talk about stewardship. At its heart, stewardship is not just about money. Certainly, we need financial support if we are to maintain and continue our ministries here at Immanuel. But stewardship is so much more: It is about using all the resources God has given us – our talents, abilities, strength, mind, and time – to faithfully serve God together as agents of Christ’s kingdom.
We are deeply grateful for the loving generosity that you and many others provide. There would be no church without the support of many in so many different ways. Over the years we have seen more and more people participate in unique and creative ways to share their gifts in serving together here at Immanuel… and we are grateful!
Our stewardship theme and focus this year has been on the call to 100%:
- 100% Passion for God – loving God with all our hearts.
- 100% Participation in church life – the need for every gift to grow together in christlikeness
- 100% Prayers of dependence – we deeply need and rely on God
You see the 3 “P”s? Passion, Participation, and Prayer. To this I wish to add one more: Pledge. Each year we invite you to prayerfully consider what your financial support of Immanuel might be for the coming year. Some can give little. Some can give much. Some may be unable to put down any figure. Some plan so meticulously they know exactly how much they can give. You know who you are and where you stand.
Regardless of whether you can give little or much (or perhaps can’t commit to any number at all), we want to make as our shared goal a 100% commitment to turning in the pledge cards.
Ideally, we would love to move to 100% financial support that covers our operating expenses. I deeply believe that will one day happen – if not next year, then soon. But until that day comes, how wonderful it would be if we collectively made it our goal to faithfully steward all the diverse and wondrous gifts God has given us with 100% commitment!
Included with this letter is a Pledge Card. On November 15, 2015 – Our 125th Anniversary Celebration Date – we will receive the Pledge Cards in a special offering. If you can’t be there, feel free to turn in the card to the office through mail or in person any time before or soon after that date. Prayerfully consider how you may help us hit our goal of 100%. May God richly bless you for your loving service and faithful hearts!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Richard J. Vincent