No Judgments, Just Jesus

Rich Vincent

Short Bio: I was born in Laredo, Texas, but grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana. I toured in a rock band (playing synthesizer) from age 17 – 22. At 22, I experienced a spiritual awakening.  Before coming to Immanuel, I served for 10 1/2 years as Associate Pastor on the pastoral staff of College Park Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, and 2 years as Senior Pastor of NewLife Christian Fellowship in Glastonbury, CT. 

Education: After attending a vocational school for 2 years, I began to attend a small Bible college, with hopes of one day entering full-time ministry. During this time, I was hired by College Park Church to be Senior Pastor Kimber Kauffman’s personal assistant. As the church grew, ministry opportunities opened up for me, and in time, I was forced to stop attending Bible College because of the sheer amount of work at the church. In 2000, I began a Masters of Divinity program at Bethel Seminary. I completed it in 2005. I graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude.

Favorite Books: A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, The Shattered Lantern by Ronald Rolheiser, Practicing the Presence of Godby Brother Lawrence, Ancient-Future Faith by Robert Webber, The Story of Christian Theology by Roger Olson, A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, and many, many others. (I am an incurable bibliophile!)

Favorite Movies: Brazil, The Ninth Configuration, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, The Incredibles, Memento, Fiddler on the Roof, Jesus Christ Superstar, Rocky, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Dumb and Dumber, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, This is Spinal Tap

Favorite TV Shows: Smallville, Lost, The Office, Big Bang Theory, Breaking Bad, Late Night with Stephen Colbert, Modern Family, The Goldbergs, Project Runway

Favorite Activities: Reading, Listening to and playing music, Surfing the web, Hanging loose on a lazy Saturday

Favorite Songs: So Said the Lighthouse Keeper by Klaatu, Cat’s in the Cradle, The Great Nothing by Spock’s Beard, And Then There was Silence by Blind Guardian, Octovarium by Dream Theater

Favorite Musicians: Beatles, Kansas, Pink Floyd, Spock’s Beard, Dream Theater, Moon Safari, Phideaux, Blind Guardian, Radiohead, Shadow Gallery, Meatloaf

Favorite Albums: Abbey Road by the Beatles, Point of Know Return by Kansas, Hope by Klaatu, The Wall and The Final Cut by Pink Floyd, Awake and Metropolis, Part 2: Scenes from a Memory by Dream Theater, A Night at the Operaby Blind Guardian, OK Computer by Radiohead, The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance, Anything by Moon Safari and Phideaux!

Favorite Sports: Football

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Ice Cream, Blue Raspberry Artic Rush (formerly called “Mister Misties”), Charms Blow-Pops, Diet Mountain Dew, Coffee, Frozen Margaritas with salt around the edges

Hobbies: Reading, Computers, Piano and Guitar

Personality Type: I.N.T.P.

Strengthsfinder: Input, Intellection, Achiever, Learner, and Maximizer (with Command, Relator, and Adaptability on my “second shelf”)

Influences: Richard and Celestina Vincent (my parents), The Church Fathers, the Medieval Mystics, N. T. Wright, Brian McLaren, Dallas Willard, Ronald Rolheiser, Ken Wilber, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Kerry Livgren (and Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Spiderman, and many other imaginary friends)

James Lipton’s Ten Questions:

1. What is your favorite word? Perichoresis

2. What is your least favorite word? Bureaucracy

3. What turns you on? Humble Intelligence, Learned Ignorance, and Insatiable Curiosity

4. What turns you off? Arrogance, Know-It-Alls, People who love to argue, People who’ve stopped learning and growing, People on power trips, Bureaucracy, Dogmatism that eclipses love, Pastors who use a “pulpit voice”

5. What is your favorite curse word? Come on… I’m a pastor, after all! This will have to remain a secret!

6. What sound or noise do you love? The laughter of children.

7. What sound or noise do you hate? Whining – whether from children or adults!

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Author or Professor… or both!

9. What profession would you not like to attempt? Interior or Fashion Designer

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? “Good Try! Now here’s your cape!”